Building a better future for all of us!

Roger is committed to seeing Fitchburg grow in a balanced and sustainable way. Fitchburg can continue to be a leader in the high tech and biomedical fields. He will continue to ensure that Fitchburg's government is open and responsive. He will bring residents, business owners, and community leaders together. Roger will also fight to hold down the city's tax rate.

Economic Development

An important issue in the 3rd District is implementing the Arbor Hills-Leopold Neighborhood Plan in North Fitchburg along the Fish Hatchery Road gateway into the city. Redevelopment of this area will cause in-fill development, generate new jobs and increase the tax base. Revitalization will encourage services and business that meet the needs of residents. It will also enhance the area's neighborhoods, promote affordable housing, encourage new housing and mixed uses, and improve pedestrian and bicycle movements. 

Accessible City Government

Fitchburg city government should be accessible to people at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Roger has consistently supported open meetings throughout his public service. He worked for expanded coverage of city meetings by Fitchburg Access Community TV (FACTv) since Fitchburg became a city. Roger also supported having streaming video of city meetings made available on the Internet. He will continue efforts to make it easier for city residents and business owners to know what is happening in the city, to identify what's working and not working in the city, to participate in developing solutions and to make sure that people know that they are listened to.